Third contract to same Vietnamese customer

Full-line pig farm

SKIOLD established our first Asian office in China in 2012, and followed up with an office in Vietnam in 2015 which just have moved to new larger premises. We are happy about how well SKIOLD has been activated in Asia, and repeatedly sign new contracts with now existing clients. We have for third time a signed contract with an existing client in Vietnam for a full-line pig farm of 1200 sows

SKIOLD is one of the leading suppliers for turn-key solutions for pig farms in Vietnam. To consult & make highest efficiency farms to investors, SKIOLD focus on 5 key factors: best designing with optimal housing equipment & ventilation, genetic, feed, nutrition & vaccination, and management. Giving competed advanced technology - solutions for projects, SKIOLD ensures full line pig farms, with highest possible efficiency…


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SKIOLD Airfilter Solution

Enhance air quality in your farming facilities and improve both animal and employee health…

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Unlock the future of pig farming with the brand new SKIOLD Penning system!

Is your pig house layout ready for optimisation? Now we have the solution for you!

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Pilmico Feed Milling Plant

SKIOLD are installing a cutting-edge aquaculture feed processing plant

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