Digital solutions for pig farms | SKIOLD

Save time and money with digital tools

Reduce costs with digital tools and efficient operating systems from SKIOLD. It’s all about working smarter – not harder!

SKIOLD offers a range of digital tools and operating systems that optimise your production, provide you with all the data you need, and help reduce costs. We offer efficient digital solutions within various areas and processes, including climate control, feed production, and feed management.  Our aim is to ease your everyday work routines and increase your profitability.

Gain a complete overview of your feed production

FlexMix Pro Production Manager is a digital tool that helps you optimise your feed production. The system provides you with a complete overview of your production and performance from start to finish and gathers all relevant data in one easily accessible and user-friendly system – from sourcing of raw materials to end product and delivery of the feed.

The tool offers a wide range of features that make your workday easier and optimises your production. It provides you with all the data and calculations you need to plan your raw material procurement, it enables you to plan production on all locations in one system, and identifies the risk of breakdowns, allowing you to plan preventative maintenance and repairs in advance and reduce downtime.

Do you want to learn more about how the FlexMix Pro Production Manager can optimise your production? Read more here.

Save money with efficient climate control

It is an energy intensive process to maintain an optimal climate in pig houses, ensuring superior animal welfare and meeting animal health regulations. If you are concerned about the combination of rising energy prices and high energy consumption, we suggest that you consider installing an energy-efficient climate solution from SKIOLD and our climate control system, Visiovent.

Visiovent allows you to control and gather all your climate systems into one easy-to-use platform – from ventilation to controlled air intake, tunnel and combi-tunnel ventilation as well as related heating and cooling systems. It allows you not only to ensure the optimal climate for animals and people, but it also provides you with an efficient tool to lower your energy consumption and improve your profitability.

Do you want to know more about how to cut your energy bill with efficient climate control systems? Read more here.

Reduce feed costs

Do you know for sure if your animals get the exact amount of feed they need, or if you are actually feeding them too much? SKIOLD DistriWin provides you with a complete overview of the feeding process and gives you all the data you need to ensure that your pigs get the exact amount of feed they require.

The digital tool offers a wide range of practical features to help you manage the feeding process. In addition to distributing the exact amount of fresh feed to each sty, it ensures the correct mix when you change from one formula to another, and it warns you in time, when the silo is running low, or if repairs are required. By constantly adjusting the supply of feed to the weight and age of the pigs, DistriWin helps to reduce feed consumption and makes a positive difference improving animal welfare and reducing feed costs.

Read more about how you can reduce feed consumption.


Contact us

If you want to know more about how to reduce costs with new technology and digital tools from SKIOLD, our specialists are ready to answer your enquiries. Please fill in the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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SKIOLD Airfilter Solution

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Pilmico Feed Milling Plant

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